1943年生于河南鲁山。1962年毕业于北京艺术学院附中。1979年调人民美术出版社创作室任创作员,1986年任《连环画报》编辑部编辑。中国美术家协会会员。擅长中国画、连环画 。作品有中国画《忆海南》、《小镇喜雨》、《江南三月》等 。1989年在新加坡出版《许全群画集》。
Xu Quanqun
was born in 1943 in Lushan, Henan province. In 1962 he graduated from the middle school affiliated to the Beijing Art Academy. Currently he is a member of the Chinese Artists’ Association. Xu is good at the traditional Chinese ink and color painting. In 1989 his catalogue was published in Singapore.