吴盛源, 1938年生,笔名云山.
1960年考入广州美术学院国画系,师从黎雄才、关山月、卢振寰、陈金章、梁世雄、刘济荣、李国华诸先生。 其山水作品,融合岭南及传统技法,刚柔并重;亦由于几十年来,遍游名山大川,搜集山水素材,刻苦经营,从不间断,形成其作品风格细致写实,气象万千。近年来,他专注创作表现乡土情怀的系列作品,取得极佳成就,并形成极鲜明的艺术风格。
1964年作品《春溪雨后》入选第四届全国美展,其作品为天津艺术博物馆收藏;1999年作品《金秋》、《平畴晚雅》入选第九届全国美展; 2009年作品《榕荫谐趣图》入选第十一届全国美展。
Wu Shengyuan
WuShengyuan was
born in 1938, in Chaoyang city, Guangdong province. Currently he is a member of
the Chinese Artists Association, Guangdong Branch, and a member of Guangzhou
Arts and Crafts Institute.
He started to practise Chinese painting when he was 13. In 1965, he graduated from
the Landscape Department of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts where he studied
under the guidance of famous painters Guan Shanyue and Li Xiongcai. His
landscape paintings
integrate the skills of Lingnan School with the traditional Chinese techniques,
generating both tough and soft expressions. In the last few decades, he has
traveled to famous mountains and rivers to gather
inspirations which account for the meticulous and magnificent style of his
paintings. In recent years, he scored great achievements by drawing a series of
works with country flavor which account for his apparent individual artistic