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Hong Kong
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Location: -> Exhibitions -> Hong Kong
Exhibition Date:2017年2月7日-2017年2月22日
exhibition Add:香港云峰画苑
Exhibition Time:
Emerald Wonders。Joint Exhibition of Chinese Paintings [2012年11月10日 - 2012年11月23日]
    Wan Fung Art Gallery proudly presents to you the ‘Emerald Wonders‧Joint Exhibition of Chinese Paintings’ from 10 - 23 November in Hong Kong Wan Fung Art Gallery. The Exhibition features more t......
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Hainan Memoirs- Art Exhibition Tour [2012年10月20日 - 2012年11月1日]
    Wan Fung Art Gallery proudly presents, the “Hainan Memoirs- Art Exhibition Tour” from 20 October to 1 November in Hong Kong Wan Fung Art Gallery. The exhibition showcases more than 50 paintings of 7......
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Portrait of Top 100 Chinese Contemporary Artists - Oil Painting Exhibition of Fung Hok Ting [2012年9月21日 - 2012年9月30日]
    Countless famous artists like to paint a self-portrait as a memento of the occasion for themselves. In fact, the intent of portraits is not only to depict the visual appearance of the subject, but als......
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Abstract Imagery-Paintings of Liu Keming [2012年9月7日 - 2012年9月18日]
    Wan Fung Art Gallery proudly presents, the “Abstract Imagery...Painting Exhibition of Liu Keming” from 7 - 18 September in Hong Kong Wan Fung Art Gallery.
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