
Lao ba, Mongolian, born in 1962. China Art Museum collections artist, with “The Source for the New” as the core value
of his artworks. The book “ The Source for the New “Oil Painter of China has published by the China International
Publishing Group.
Lao studying the basic relationship and structure of art and culture with the concept of “Do Nothing that You Want”,
which more focus on the expression of his outstanding new concept with the truth and his accomplishment.


Tea time
oil on canvas



“Tea time” move intended to start from various states in the world today with Lee and the line, phase plan and move, and want to cut Union’s live, this strong position among the nations of the people will change as the road to the yin and yang,
rigid as law, and for the degree of the sublime line in the one thousand stream. However, this trip was best known to Westerners blunt details, or to glimpse my words as articles, or in a solid line read my mind degrees, so fragrant tea and lost because many people are still differences of Mika carry on.




爆 米 花



“Popcorn” belongs to the series “Sea Border”, which manifests the enhancing strength of Chinese Naval force, surrounded by foe and friend, has drawn the attention from various powers.
The neighboring nation, the island nation and the nation of brotherhood, these three parties are under the protection of
an overwhelming force. The special point to note is the Island nation tends to restore her strength as an overlord as the
past, but that is never going to happen again.
When comparing to the island nation, our neighbor is much clever because she knows that the protecting power concerns
only with self-interest, use it when it can be used. As our brotherhood nation is the cleverest one out of three, she knew
very well the protecting power is kind of unstable partner, so just lure it with small interest. And she looks cautious to
protect her reputation, as she bears in her mind that a reunion is still a long way to go.
It is a natural trend for us to become stronger as we are following the right track. You will never know how pungent a
ginger is unless you taste it.
Popcorn and goldfish implies the mutual benefit of all states,
and it must be careful otherwise the disaster is ushered.
My last words, we cannot live with others without thinking the common ground that we have, and allowing different cultures
to coexist, or we are just doing something dangerous to cut our limbs.