作品入選第八屆全國美展、96經典繪畫大展。應邀參加中國青年藝術家赴歐洲考察團,前往法國、義大利、荷蘭、德國等進行藝術交流考察。參加中國當代中青年油畫精品展。香港Schoeni畫廊第七屆女性形象畫展。第二屆廣東當代油畫藝術展。2004年中國油畫名家作品巡迴欣賞展(上海—北京—廣東—香港)。2005年香港雲峰畫院舉辦《隱約的歷史話語——羊羔寫實油畫展》。《中國油畫》、《中華英才》、《東方航空》、《時尚》、《山東畫報》、臺灣《典藏》、ASIAN PRIVATE CAPITAL雜誌封面、中央電視臺國際頻道、北京電視臺、上海東方電視臺等刊物及媒體對畫家及作品做專題採訪介紹。多幅作品被國內外畫廊、機構和私人收藏。

Yang was born in Inner Mongolia in 1963. He graduated from Harbin Architectural University in 1984. He was living in Guangdong and Beijing as a professional painter. He’s migrated to Australia since 1997.
His works have been selected to attend the 8th National Art Exhibition and the 96’ Classical Paintings Exhibition. He was invited to join the China Young Artist’s Investigation Group to travel and investigate in European countries such as France, Italy, Holland and Germany. He took part in many grand exhibitions as the Exhibition of Selected Oil Paintings by Contemporary Chinese Artists, the Exhibition of 7th Female Image held in Schoeni Art Gallery in Hong Kong, the 2nd Guangdong Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition, the 2004 Tour Exhibition of Oil Paintings by Chinese Masters (Shanghai- Beijing- Guangdong- Hong Kong), and Hinted Historical Discourse-- Exhibition of Oil Paintings by Yang Gao in Hong Kong Wan Fung Art gallery in 2005.
His paintings were selected as the covers or introduced by many magazines and TV stations such as China Oil Paintings, Chinese Talents, Eastern Air Connections, Cosmopolitan, Shandong Pictorial, Collection (Taiwan), Asian Private Capital, CCTV International, Beijing Television Station, Shanghai OTV, ect. Many of his paintings were collected by galleries and ollectors both at home and abroad.
The spotlight of his painting is the unique form of coherence between the modern and ancient style, and that gives the inner spirit of the painting itself. Time is lingering in the painting and that guides the viewers to give the humannature a more in-depth reflection.




今 夕 何 年 . 花 約
floral age
oil on canvas
歲 月 留 痕
travel in time


中國水鄉江南自古多才子佳人,予人如詩如畫、如歌如夢的印象。如今歲變遷,昔日繁華的江南已漸老去,只留下一點痕跡。作者巧妙地以現代構成的手法,把溫文爾雅的古代淑女、樸實勤奮的現代漁夫、老屋舊牆……組成一個豐富多采的畫面 ,引人聯想。

Since ancient times, there are many gifted scholars and beautiful ladies in China Jiangnan, giving people the impression of poetries, paintings, songs and dreams. However, the glorious period has been gone, leaving only a little trace. Yang skillfully constructed the modern techniques with the elegant ancient ladies, hardworking fishermen, old house wall ...... to form a colorful picture, inspiring people’s imaginations.