2005 香港首屆小幅油畫展
2005 香港藝術界慶祝香港回歸大滙展
2006 《香港情繄中西區》-香港畫家水彩、油畫作品展
2008 《毫端情懷》香港油畫展
2009 《跨越-共融》-2009年香港油畫作品展
2009 雲峰畫苑-香港青年藝術家邀請大展
2009 《回到生活》北京香港油畫邀請展
2010 《花語-豆蔻年華》-潘輝躍.徐淵作品展
2010 《當下香港》香港當代藝術家恊會首展
2012 香港首屆油畫大賽2012
2012 “本地薑”雕塑及繪畫作品邀請展之《馬鞍山組 曲》
2013 《後現代主義 ﹣新當代藝術展》
2013 香港油畫邀請展2012






Born in Jiangsu, China 1966. Graduated from Nanjing
Normal University Fine Arts Department in 1990. Moved
to Hong Kong in 1991.
Xu has participated in the following exhibitions: “Hong
Kong’s First Mini- Oil Painting Exhibition” and “Hong Kong
Reunification Art Exhibition” in 2005; 2006 “Hong Kong
Central and Western District” Hong Kong Artist Watercolor
& Oil Painting Exhibition; “without end Feelings” Oil Painting
Exhibition, Hong Kong in 2008; “Crossing Communion”
Oil Painting Exhibition Hong Kong, “Hong Kong Young
Artists Exhibition” - Wan Fung Art Gallery and “Back to
Life” Oil Painting Exhibition of Beijing, Hong Kong in 2009;
“Whisper of the Girls and Flowers” – Exhibition of Poon
Yeuk Fai and Tsui Yuen and the 1st Exhibition of Hong Kong
Contemporary Artists Association in 2010; “Hong Kong 1st
Oil Painting Competition” and “Local ginger” Sculptures
and Paintings Exhibition of “Ma On Shan Suite” in 2012;
“Postmodernism - New Contemporary Art Exhibition” and
“Oil Painting Exhibition Hong Kong 2012” in 2013.


FLoral Fishy Series(34)
acrylic ON CANVAS
花 和 魚 系 列(32)
floral fishy series(32)
acrylic ON canvas


我這批花和魚系列作品,主要通過典雅的用色,優美的造型來表達傳統的美學的新的解釋。這批作品也嘗試着在傳統中探索唯美和優雅的篇章。 我的作品一直在追求色彩和畫面的和諧,畫面的主題花卉和魚,被巧妙地安置着。城市的高速發展,人類對資源過度開發而造成的污染,對人類,動物和大自然造成的困擾,讓我們焦慮不安……這是我們生存的實况。而這批作品呈現了完全不同的精神面貌,是對於這處境的反思,在於本人的希望,希望在我們生存的地球上,沒有污染,人類,動物,植物可以和平共處,自由自在,到處充滿了美好。

These works of flowers and fishes of mine, try to communicate a new interpretation of traditional aesthetics primarily by
elegant colors and graceful forms. These works also try to explore beauty and elegance inside the tradition. My works have always been aspiring towards the harmony of color and tableau, focusing on themes of flowers and fishes which are arranged cleverly and carefully. The rapid development of cities, pollution caused by the over-exploitation of resources, harm done to human, animals and the nature, all these bring us anxiety and distress…these are the realities of our existence nowadays. But these works of mine present a totally different outlook and spirit, and a reflection of these circumstances. They embody my hope, my yearning for an environment free of pollution, where human, animals and plants can co-exist in perfect harmony and at perfect ease, teeming with happiness and beauty.