
假 广东省中山市南区文化中心




云峰画苑 敬约



Wan Fung Art Gallery cordially invites you to the grand opening for Museum of Chinese Architectural Woodcarving in Ming-Qing Dynasties & Fine Works Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Outstanding Artists at 3pm, Friday, 24 September 2010.


馆  址:广东云峰画苑


开放时间:全年无休 每日上午九时半至下午六时

查询电话:(86-760) 8833 3861

网  址:www.wanfung.com.cn


Exhibition Venue:Guangdong Wan Fung Art Gallery

23, Xing Nan Road, Southern District,

Zhongshan City, Guangdong

Opening Hours :9.30am to 6.00pm (Everyday except special notice)

Enquiry:(86-760) 8833 3861










为了挽救这珍贵的历史文化艺术遗产,本苑近年来耗费大量的资源积极投入收集流散各地市场的建筑家居木雕艺术精品,从雕梁画栋以至门窗家具,经过数年不懈努力,我们已成功地收集到数以千计珍稀的作品,尽管我们所收集到历劫残余的作品谨为中国历史上辉煌的建筑木雕艺术中微不足道的极少部分,但已足以令我们对中国古代工艺师们伟大的成就产生无限的尊崇和感激。为了让广大的中外艺术爱好者和我们的下一代能分享这一珍稀的中国文化艺术,同时进一步弘扬伟大的中华文化,我们决定建立 “明清建筑家居木雕艺术馆”与社会人士共享。

在中山市政府及南区政府的关心和大力支持下,在中国各地人士和海外朋友们的热情鼓励下,我们的“明清建筑家居木雕艺术馆”终于在2010年9月24日于中山市南区文化中心正式开馆。第一期展览馆重点展出令人极为震撼的 “千工床”及相关的家居木雕艺术,从中我们可深深感受到中国五千年文化的深厚沉积和中国民间生活中多采多姿的一面; 同时亦可感受到古代中国社会中充满悲喜和血泪交错的历史影像;第二期展馆将于数月后开放,重点展出古代建筑木雕配件中之雕梁画栋、花板门窗及珍贵的雀替( 俗称牛腿 ),相信巧夺天工的古代木雕作品将令观众叹为观止和上了一堂生动的中国历史文化课。

云峰画苑   2010.9.1



Museum of Chinese Architectural Woodcarving in Ming-Qing Dynasties


Since the history of mankind, trees of the natural environment started a close relationship with humans. In China, ancient housing construction and household products mainly used wood as the material. This ancient practice gives rise to the art of woodcarving in the Chinese architecture and furniture. In Ming-Qing Dynasties, Chinese craftsmanship have already reached the peak level of maturity. In the prosperity of Ming-Qing, the Chinese have established a deep traditional idea. As long as someone achieved the success in his career, he would hope to establish the ancestral shrines and build mansions in his hometown in order to bring honor to his ancestors and give blessing to his posterity. Especially from the mid-Qing to the late Qing Dynasty, due to the economic prosperity coupled with the mentality of comparison, numerous officials and the wealthy people go in for massive constructions. Therefore, many magnificent ancestral shrines and mansions established in all parts of China, at the same time developed the greatest art of architectural woodcarving in Chinese history. The folk art of architecture is not restricted by the strict regulations of the court, thus the civil craftsman could highly bring their creativity and talent into full play.

"Miraculous craftsmanship of the Bed and Room" is a vivid portrayal of the flourishing Chinese art of architectural woodcarving. The most important element of architectural woodcarving is integrated with rich contents of thousands years Chinese literature, stories, drama and customs, together with superior craftsmanship, which make the Chinese architectural woodcarving have a high cultural and artistic value, become precious historical and cultural heritage.

However, China experienced the war, turmoil and changes in the past hundred years, which led this precious Chinese architectural woodcarving to be seriously damaged and destroyed. Also, the modern people have inadequate knowledge in protecting the precious heritage, which further led the ancient architectural woodcarving to be faced with extinction.

In order to preserve this precious cultural and art historical heritage, Wan Fung Art Gallery in recent years consume lots of resources in collecting the artistic fine works of architectural woodcarving, which scattered in different parts of China. After several years of unremitting efforts, we have successfully collected a few thousands rare and fine works, including wood-carved ridgepole and beams, windows, doors and furniture. The fine works that we collected are only serve as an tiny and insignificant portion in the whole glorious history of architectural woodcarving, but it is already good enough for us to show our respect and gratitude to the achievement of those ancient craftsmen. For the sake of numerous Chinese and foreign art lovers as well as our future generation enable to share this rare Chinese culture and art, also further carry forward our great Chinese culture, we decided to establish a "Museum of Chinese Architectural Woodcarving in Ming-Qing Dynasties" to share with the community.

Under the strong support of People's Government of Zhongshan and the government of Southern District, Zhongshan as well as the enthusiasm and encouragement of people from China and overseas, our "Museum of Chinese Architectural Woodcarving in Ming-Qing Dynasties"will officially open on 24th September 2010 in Cultural Centre of Southern District in Zhongshan. The first exhibition focus on the exhibits of "Miraculous craftsmanship of the Bed" and the related artistic woodcarving, from which we could deeply feel the profound culture with five-thousands years Chinese history as well as the colorful Chinese civil life; at the same time feel the ancient Chinese society is interlaced with blood and tears as well as joy and sorrow historical images. The second exhibition hall will be open a few months later. The prominent exhibits are the wood-carved ridgepole and beams, windows, doors and furniture. I believe these amazing ancient woodcarvings will be unforgettable for the audience and it will be a lively Chinese history and culture lesson for all of us.

Wan Fung Art Gallery

1st September 2010




Fine Works Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Outstanding Artists





China has a long standing and well established cultural heritage. Chinese painting has developed over a thousand years into a unique system founded on the experience and wisdom of innumerous Chinese artists.

The forerunners of Chinese artists all have one thing in common, that is, they had their own style and ideology in artistic creation and their works have a high degree of difficulty that can hardly be imitated. Together with their talent and cultural learning, has enabled their names to live on together with their achievement.

The great artists and their previous fine works in history have never been measured according to their age, seniority and position but according to the maturity and difficulty of the artworks attained. Therefore, if we use the same yardstick to examine the numerous contemporary artists, it is not difficult to discover that there are quite a number of them are competitive and promising. Most of them are in the golden age of their artistic creation with the scores of years of experience in it, and they were all well-grounded and developed their own style. They are the outstanding artists in China and the treasures of Chinese culture.

In this fine art exhibition included over hundred fine works by 64 contemporary Chinese outstanding artists. We hope to let the audience from different part of China to share the achievements of the Chinese contemporary art and enjoy the contemporary Chinese paintings, and make use of this valuable opportunity to get acquainted with the outstanding artists of our time.






于建涛 王昌楷 王明明 王裕国
王有政 方楚雄 石 齐 米春茂
朱训德 江 淳 江立峰 何家英
宋 涤 宋维成 宋玉辉 沈道鸿
李永文 杜应强 邢诚爱 周中耀
林 墉 林湖奎 林德才 招务超
吴齐鸣 胡永凯 徐 希 徐惠君
秦天柱 秦龙 海 天 孙建林
梁岩 梁业鸿 梁欣基 冯大中
冯霖章 冯长江 冯一鸣 彭先诚
陈永锵 张步 张 广 张绍诚
张伟民 张镇华 舒益谦 黄茂强
黄有维 杨延文 邹传安 邹 莉
董仙洲 赵澄襄 蒋德斌 刘懋善
刘继彪 刘可明 刘春潮 刘光达
黎柱成 薛 亮 苏维贤 庞泰嵩
( 排名不分先后,以中文繁体姓氏笔划为序 )



Fine Works Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Outstanding Artists

Participating Artists


Yu Jiantao Wang Changkai Wang Mingming Wang Yuguo
Wang Youzheng Fang Chuxiong Shi Qi Mi Chunmao
Chu Xunde Jiang Chun Kong Lapfung He Jiaying
Song Di Song Weicheng Song Yuhui Shen Daohong
Li Yongwen Du Yingqiang Xing Chengai Zhou Zhongyao
Lin Yong Lin Hukui Lin Decai Zhao Wuchao
Wu Qiming Hu Yongkai Xu Xi Zu Huijun
Qing Tianzhu Qin Long Hai Tian Sun Jainlin
Liang Yan Liang Yehong Liang Xinji Feng Dazhong
Feng Linzhang FengChangjiang Feng Yiming Peng Xiancheng
Chen Yongqiang Zhang Bu Zhang Guang Zhang Shaocheng
Zhang Weimin Zhang Zhenhua Shu Yiqian Huang Maoqiang
Huang Youwei Yang Yanwen Zou Chuanan Zou Li
Dong Xianzhou Zhao Chengxiang Jiang Debin Liu Maoshan
Liu Jibiao Liu Keming Liu Chunchao Liu Guangda
Li Zhucheng Xue Liang Su Weixian Pang Taisong
(Order according to Traditional Chinese version)