2002年9月,“携手环保,共创辉煌” 美国通用汽车公司向美国大自然保护协会捐赠汽车仪式在北京云峰画苑举行。通用汽车公司公共政策中心总监特里·普里切特先生和美国大自然保护协会中国首席代表牛红卫女士参加了开幕式。 Protect The Environment Together And Create A Brilliant Future-- the Presentation Ceremony of Buick Cars for the Nature Conservancy by the GMC was held in Beijing Wan Fung Art gallery in Sept. 2002. Terry ? Pritchett, the Manager of Public Policy Center of GMC and Niu Hongwei, the Chief Representative of TNC attended the ceremony.