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展览日期:2009年4月18日-2009年4月30日                    展览地点:香港云峰画苑
展览时间:星期一至六 (上午10时至下午7时) 星期日及公众假期(下午1时至6时)
开幕茶会:      2009年4月18日 (星期六) 下午3时      
展览日期:     2009年4月18日 至 2009年4月30日
开放时间: 星期一至六 (上午10时至下午7时);星期日及公众假期 (下午1时至6时)
举办地点: 云峰画苑 (香港太古城中心三座地下全层――地铁太古站E1出口)
网    址:       www.wanfung.com.cn
公众查询: Tel: (8610)2736 9623    Email: info@wanfung..com.hk
传媒查询:  (欢迎索取更多高解像图片) 张佩仪小姐 Ms Terri Cheung  
Tel: (8610)9470 0014/ 2736 9623 
云峰画苑将于4月18至30日推出「 陈新铨肖像画展」,展出来自四川重庆的著名油画家陈新铨先生33人物肖像,当中又以儿童为主精彩油画作品
陈新铨先生拥有一颗赤子之心,特别善于捕捉儿童天真无邪的一颦一笑,把小朋友的好奇心稚嫩的认知孩提的乐趣表现得唯妙唯肖:画中的稚气未脱的孩子们,俨然成人般一脸认真地打电话、在海滩上玩水、专心致志地跟小鸭对话、在轻扬的泡泡里翩跹起舞;他们有微笑着的、有回眸的、有淘气的、有静谧的;有黄皮肤的中国人、白皮肤的外国人、黑皮肤的非洲人…… 他们的世界无分种族国界,都洋溢着阳光,充满了希望
Love Portrait Paintings by Chen Xinquan
(25 Mar 2009 Local news) Wan Fung Art Gallery is going to present the exhibition ‘Love — Portrait Paintings by Chen Xinquan’ from 18-30 April 2009. It will exhibit 33 works mainly of children portraits with the theme ‘Love’.
Chen Xinquan has preserved an innocent heart, so he often chooses children and his subject matters. In the exhibited paintings, he captures the innocent and pure acts of children — some are demurely talking on phone, imitating their parents; some are paddling at the beach; some are absorbed in his chat with a duckling; some are dancing with the floating water-bubbles…They are Chinese, American, European, African … But regardless of their nationalities, their world is filled with love, and hope. Accentuated by the glittering and translucent eyes, the lovable, affable and valuable beauty of their soul is unveiled.
There are also portraits of other people in the exhibition. Going deep into not only their outer appearance but their inner mental state, the artist succeeds in subtly depicting the personalities and emotions of the people with his relaxed brushstrokes and his truthful feelings.
Chen was born in Sichuan Chongqing in 1937. In 1957 he was graduated in the Sichuan Art Academy Secondary School, and in 1961 he finished his studies in the Performing Arts Department of Shanghai Theater Academy. He is the instructor of Chinese People’s Liberation Army Academy of Art, the stage designer of the Stage Play Regiment of Political Department of the Navy, the director and copy editor of the Exhibition Department of the Chinese Artists Association. He has been the judge of the third and fourth National Watercolor and Gouache Exhibition.
His works has been selected to the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Art Exhibition, National Stage Art Exhibition, National Art Exhibition, etc, and were published in the art books Gouache — China Contemporary Fine Art Series, and 50 Years of Fine Art in New China. The large scale painting collaborated with other artists Spring Arriving in Great Wall is collected by and now hanged in the Purple Light Cabinet of the General Office of the State Council.
Opening Reception     :3pm , Sat , 18 April 2009
Exhibition Period :18-30 April 2009
Gallery Hours             :Mon to Sat 10am to 7pm ; Sun & Public Holidays 1pm to 6pm
Exhibition Venue :Wan Fung Art Gallery (G/F, Cityplaza Three, Taikoo Shing;  MTR Taikoo Exit E1)
Website                : www.wanfung.com.cn
General Enquiry  :Tel: 2736 9623  Email: info@wanfung.com.hk
Media Enquiry    (welcome to ask for more high resolution images):
Ms Terri Cheung       Tel: 9470 0014/ 2736 9623  Email: terri@wanfung.com.hk or terri.py@gmail.com
Chen Xinquan
Born in Chongqing in 1937. In 1961 he finished his study in the Stage Art Department of Shanghai Theater Academy. He is the instructor of PLA  Academy of Art, the stage designer of the Stage Play Regiment of Political Department of Navy, the director and copy editor of Exhibition Department of China Artists Association. He has been the judge of the third and fourth nation wide watercolor and gouache exhibition. He is specialized in gouache and oil painting.
Oil painting <beach opposite the sun> was selected in the Eighth Nation Wide Fine Art Exhibition. With gouache painting <portrait>, he won the prize of the Second Nation Wide Watercolor and Gouache Exhibition, and the painting was selected in the Gouache----China Contemporary Fine Art Works. Gouache <Little Cathy> was selected in the Fine Art 50 Years in New China. Oil painting <Image of Xiaoqian> and <Blossoming of Grass> was selected in the Ninth Nation Wide Fine Art Exhibition. Cooperation work Acrylic painting< Spring Arrival in Great Wall > was recommended to the Zi Guang Cabinet of General Office of the State Council as a collection.

艺术家: 陈新铨
名  称: 吹泡泡
规  格: 52x37cm

艺术家: 陈新铨
名  称: 花项链
规  格: 28x36cm

艺术家: 陈新铨
名  称: 童年002
规  格: 50x60cm

艺术家: 陈新铨
名  称: 童年004
规  格: 50x60cm

艺术家: 陈新铨
名  称: 童年005
规  格: 50x60cm

艺术家: 陈新铨
名  称: 童年006
规  格: 50x60cm

艺术家: 陈新铨
名  称: 童年008
规  格: 80x65cm

艺术家: 陈新铨
名  称: 童年010
规  格: 50x60cm

艺术家: 陈新铨
名  称: 童年014
规  格: 50x60cm

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