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Zeng Ling’s Oil Painting Exhibition and Art Seminar Speech

——Sorted by Zhou Bin (Phoenix Weekly • Life, media veteran)



Wang Wenke: (Deputy Party Secretary of Zhejiang Media Studies)

Works on “Enlightenment” Painting Exhibition is the excellent works of Zeng Ling straining with her heart and mind and with her hard work for many years. French artist Rodin once said: “Life is not without beauty, but there is a lack of eyes for discovering the beauty.” Ms Zeng Ling’s creation over the years not only passes the country mood, life experience, natural care, spirit watch and value recourse; meanwhile, it sets an example for us --- pursue for excellence in art and seek constantly. In the process, she also completed self salvation and achieved the artistic sublimation and breakthrough. Artist’s life is also shown in the creative process!


Heidegger -- post-modern thinker have said that: “People should be dwelling on this land poetically”. Today, when we are creating the quality life, Ms Zeng Ling’s pursuit and devotion is more rare and commendable. In 2009, to commemorate the friendly relations between Britain and China, Zhejiang University of Media and Communications and Coventry University jointly organized “China Day” series of activities, of which the most important arrangement was Teacher Zeng Ling’s exhibition of painting, a great success!


Cao Gonghua: (a well-known art critic, Visiting Professor of China Academy of Art)


I have talked a lot just now. I would like to express two meanings: first, Teacher Zeng Ling has good state or attitude! Though today there is an excess surplus of painters and painting exhibitions, her attitude is very obvious, very rare. Seeing her paintings, I think we can say that she unifies human beings with her paintings. I can not use the word “Create” to describe her paintings, since it would be too utilitarian to mention creation and this is not the state of Teacher Zengling.


I think it’s very good for her painting exhibition to be named “Enlightenment”! If I understand correctly, her paintings are filled with her breath of life. Teacher Zeng Ling’s paintings are to establish a venue for herself. Through her paintings, she places in such a place her soul so that she can get a peaceful mind; her paintings are the poetic dwellings for flowers and men, men and nature. This is the true of her art. As art lovers, our spiritual needs of the dwelling place has been provided by Teacher Zengling.


Zhou Ruiwen: (artist, Vice Chairman of Zhejiang International Art Exchange Association)


We can see that Teacher Zeng Ling painted her works with heart. She also has lots of ideas, and is childlike. Take her works “Flame” as an example: her pepper painting is alive with life with some Zen sensation in it; she has applied all means, elements of painting to show herself, quite distinctive, maverick, giving a fresh feel.


Cao Gonghua: on the earlier opening ceremony, Teacher Zheng Zhusan wrote only three words “Song of Zen” at the beginning. So now let’s invite Teacher Zheng to have a talk.


Zheng Zhusan: (a well-known art critic, librarian of Zhejiang Research Institute of Culture and History, Vice Chairman of Zhejiang Art Exchange Association)


Today’s painting exhibition theme is “ Enlightenment ”. I have once seen in Teacher Zeng Ling’s paintings Zen, and the enlightenment state Your paintings have reached a philosophical height, showing a noble sentiment. Teacher Zeng Ling’s paintings are as pure and beautiful as Xishi! I can get the peacefulness after seeing your paintings. They are so wonderful, creating beauty through peacefulness, boasting both the spirit of the East and the shape of the West. The paintings are beyond all forms of things, changing the most beautiful things of nature into your creation of mind.


Liu Yiding: (a cartoonist, assistant editor of art newspaper)


I have seen Teacher Zeng Ling’s paintings and I like them very much. Her paintings reflect the passion, fashion; break the balance of the original women’s paintings of Zhejiang. We can read from her paintings the pursuit of life, an exploration of philosophy and worship of religion!


Zhou Bin: (Phoenix Weekly • Life, media veteran )



Today Teacher Zeng Ling’s paintings present me an entirely new world. I have stayed in Zhejiang for so many years and have seen a lot of large and small painting exhibitions. However, I am deeply impressed after seeing Teacher Zeng’s paintings. My first impression: they are very quiet, very elegant; my second impression: I can feel in the peacefulness the rhythm of life through her paintings! There is a particular visual impact, a kind of spiritual shock! The paintings also bring us a lot of reveries…


In addition, the European Renaissance is a big change and I have seen from Teacher Zeng Ling’s paintings many things in changes, including not only the traditional Chinese culture, but also multiple elements of Western paintings. Her paintings reflect rhythm of life is an eternal theme. In the current social environment, her paintings endow you the peacefulness on one hand, and on the other hand, they inspire people to think through the changes and rhythms demonstrated.


Now, have a rest.


Ge Jiaping (Arts PhD candidate of Zhejiang Institute of Media)


Teacher Zeng Ling’s paintings can be summed up in one word  “female consciousness” from a perceptual point of view, however, this kind of female consciousness is not the gender consciousness demonstrated in the paintings, but a concept in painting; I think there is a phenomenon now in painting industry, which is very conceptualized. Usually, the trend is that paint is based on the concept. However, Teacher Zeng Ling’s paintings, in addition to feminist consciousness, have remained in its eigentlich an impulse originating from the heart of a female painter instead of something derived from a trend or something conceptual. Therefore, her paintings are definitely different from the popular paintings now! Teacher Zeng Ling has transcended from the imitation of tradition, showing a more individualized, internalized narration.





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