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Hong Kong
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Location: -> Exhibitions -> Hong Kong
Exhibition Date:2017年2月7日-2017年2月22日
exhibition Add:香港云峰画苑
Exhibition Time:
Whispers of the Girls and Flowers– Exhibition of Poon Yeuk Fai and Tsui Yuen [2010年8月21日 - 2010年8月30日]
    Foreword Poon Yeuk Fai and Tsui Yuen are two outstanding artists among our young Hong Kong contemporary artists. Many of Poon’s artworks focus on the facial expression of young ladies, with a high......
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Dreamy Wonderland- Fine Arts Exhibition of Zhang Weimin [2010年7月3日 - 2010年7月17日]
    Wan Fung Art Gallery, China Artists (Zhejiang) Association and Zhejiang Arts Academy proudly present to you the “Dreamy Wonderland – Fine Arts Exhibition of Zhang Weimin” in Wan Fung Art Gallery fr......
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Invitational Exhibition of Hong Kong and Shanghai Contemporary Chinese Artists 2010 [2010年6月12日 - 2010年6月22日]
    Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society is organizing the "Invitational Exhibition of Hong Kong and Shanghai Contemporary Chinese Artists 2010" in Wan Fung Art Gallery from 12.06.2010 to 22.06.2010. The......
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Time Variant on Ink - Exhibition of Koon Wai Bong, Zhou Jin and Wong Hau Kwei [2010年5月22日 - 2010年6月1日]
    Wan Fung Art Gallery is pleased to present to you the "Time Variant on Ink- Exhibition of Koon Wai Bong, Zhou Jin and Wong Hau Kwei, winners of Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Awards 2009" from 22......
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