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Hong Kong
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Location: -> Exhibitions -> Hong Kong
Exhibition Date:2017年2月7日-2017年2月22日
exhibition Add:香港云峰画苑
Exhibition Time:
Ladies from Centuries - Art of Zhou Li [2012年12月29日 - 2013年1月9日]
    As we all know, many commercial buildings are located in TaiKoo Place. We usually get there for work. Have you ever imagine that there is a hidden palace of art inside? Step into Wan Fung Art Gallery,......
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Chinese Lotus ——Lacquer Paintings of Liu Chunchao [2012年12月15日 - 2012年12月24日]
    Oil painting, traditional Chinese painting, watercolor painting you might hear, "lacquer painting" and you heard yet? Lacquer painting in the contemporary Chinese painting is a new type, full of vital......
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Tenderness- Hong Kong Oil Paintings Joint Exhibition [2012年11月28日 - 2012年12月7日]
    Wan Fung Art Gallery proudly presents, the “Tenderness-Hong Kong Oil Paintings Joint Exhibition” from 28 November to 7 December in Hong Kong Wan Fung Art Gallery. The exhibition showcases more than ......
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Return of Beauty- The Art of FengChangjiang [2012年11月28日 - 2012年12月14日]
    Wan Fung Art Gallery proudly presents, the “Return of Beauty- The Art of FengChangjiang”from 28November to 14Decemberin ARTONE. FengChangjiang who was the World Outstanding Artist award recipient ha......
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